Saturday, November 30, 2013

blessings {a word in pictures}

Just * a few* blessings that I am so, so thankful for... :: fun projects in homeschooling (featured: soft pastels and a sugar cookie map of Ancient Egypt) :: the moments when siblings play together in peace (and sunshine) :: preparing for Thanksgiving dinner :: my silly family who make me smile and laugh every day, including: :: ...and... :: ...and also... :: ...and of course we can't forget this little man. :: being able to share our first Thanksgiving prepared in our own home...

Sunday, June 30, 2013

outdoors {a word in pictures}

"Outdoors" is the perfect word for this month as summer has begun! Well, last month I got my very first iPhone (woohoo!) and so, to be honest, my Canon 30D has been sitting on the shelf while I use my phone for pictures. It's just so convenient! I love it! Here are some ways we have been spending time outdoors... Check out Jenn's blog to see her outdoor photos! ...

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Alayna is 3!

We had such a fun day celebrating Alayna's birthday yesterday! She woke up to balloons and pink decorations (her favorite color) and was so excited to get to go with Daddy to the coffee shop before he went to work. She chose a yummy cinnamon roll there for breakfast. Later in the day we had a tea party at her request and I made some chocolate chip scones to go along with our "tea." It was beautiful outside, so we took a short walk to look at the building near our house that got hit by a tornado a few days ago.  It was barely two blocks...

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Caedon is 6!

Yesterday was Caedon's sixth birthday. Wow. Where has the time gone?! It's hard to believe that six years ago I became a mommy. Caedon's arrival changed my life forever and for the best. What a precious gift he is! We try to make birthdays a big deal here at our house. The birthday boy got to choose the cake, the food, and the events (within reason, ha!) for the day. He woke up to balloons in his bed (can't go wrong with tons of balloons!) and then ate his favorite breakfast: baked oatmeal. He then wanted to play a bit of Mario Galaxy 2, which...

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

moments {a word in pictures} PLUS a short kiddo update

Just some moments I want to remember, for it all passes so quickly... Head over to Jenn's blog to see the moments that are special to her! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boone Kids {April} I really meant to post an update on the kids 2 weeks ago, I really did :-) However, it just never happened, but here's a condensed version: Caedon has been counting by 5's and learning to tell time in school, which Caedon really enjoys. He finished his Bob Books and I just got another...

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